The Borrowman Cell - Inanna Publications - Ingrid Betz

The Borrowman Cell


a novel by Ingrid Betz

Printed Copy: 978-1-77133-729-8 – $22.95
ePUB: 978-1-77133-730-4 – $11.99
PDF: 978-1-77133-732-8 – $11.99

272 Pages
October 13, 2020

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They make an odd pair: Verena Vitek, a youthful refugee from Serbia, and John Borrowman, a London, Ontario zoologist moonlighting as an animal-rights activist. He’s haunted by a recent trip to China during which he witnessed the barbaric practice of milking moon bears for their bile, an ingredient in a growing variety of commercial products. To stop a Chinese company from harvesting bears for their bile in Algonquin Park, he finds himself having to rely on Verena – emotionally damaged, dysfunctional, but a crack shot with her AR-7 rifle. Others too, become involved; individuals with agendas of their own. The bears may be saved, but death and lives forever changed are part of the human price to be paid.

“Verena, a refugee from Serbia, has tasted blood and wants to kill again. This fast-moving story about a group of animal-rights advocates has all the ingredients of a thriller—corruption, conspiracy, murder—but it also raises profound questions about human relations and, as Verena’s mentor puts it, “the human dilemma. How to right a wrong without doing more harm.”
—Erika Rummel, author of The Painting on Auerberg’s Wall and The Road to Gesualdo

The Borrowman Cell

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