“Late” is a relative term by Lisa Braxton

“Late” is a relative term by Lisa Braxton

Television news is a young person’s game. I first heard that assertion from my broadcast journalism professors and class advisors, and then later from workshop presenters at national industry conferences. The statement was an undercurrent that gradually grew into a...
Dandelions? by Mary Rykov

Dandelions? by Mary Rykov

Thank you, City of Toronto, for banning pesticides and enabling joyful seas of yellow to dot summer lawns and fields. I love dandelions because they symbolize everything that is tough, tender, supple, resilient. And prolific. Dandelions should be Toronto mascots,...
Reflections on Herstory by Nasreen Pejvack

Reflections on Herstory by Nasreen Pejvack

From our earliest feminist sisters, such as Rosa Luxemburg, an anti-war activist, philosopher and economist, and Clara Zetkin who fought for women’s suffrage and to establish a day for us all, “International Women’s Day;” to the ones who wrestled over many decades to...