Femmes Fatales and the Female Muse: John Keats and the Feminine

Susan McCaslin, author of “Into the Mystic: My Years with Olga”, writes about poet John Keats and his shift from explorations of the “femme fatale” portrayal of women, to a deep identification with female wisdom figures.  I first discovered the poetry of...

Ms. and Mr. (file this under ‘Words Matter’)

Peg Tittle, author of “What Happened to Tom”, writes about words, identifiers, naming, and the limitations of polite society.I’m in this world, okay, and the people identify each other by sex.  All the time.  It’s like ‘Female Person...

Are We There Yet?

Nasreen Pejvack, author of “Amity”, writes about women’s rights, the toils of scientist Vera Rubin, and the question of who is worthy of a Nobel Prize.Women have always been the essential foundation of every aspect of our lives, but they have...

A Man Shaken by a Bomb

Peg Tittle, author of “What Happened to Tom”, writes about male authors and the question of women in literature.        I picked up a sci-fi novel the other day at a used bookstore.  The jacket said it was set after...