Accessible ebooks

As a feminist press, Inanna is committed to making our books accessible to all readers. Recent digital media advancements have created an amazing opportunity to address the needs of readers with disabilities. Technology facilitates features that can now enable us to make our content available to those with vision impairments. Accessible formats include assistive reading technologies including scalable text, alternative text for images, and a navigable table of contents.

Although this work has just begun, we are proud to make the following Inanna titles available in accessible epub and pdf formats, with the generous support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Book Fund, and other project partnerships including the Literary Press Group of Canada’s Books for Everyone. Information and accessibility details and purchase options for each converted Inanna book are included at the title links below.

These publications conform to WCAG 2.0 Level AA.

various coloured shapes with the book title "(M)Othering: an anthology" across the top

(M)othering: an anthology

edited by Anne Sorbie and Heidi Grogan

red and gold cover with torn out strip revealing a woman's face in profile with the title A Knife in the Sky and the author/translator names

A Knife in the Sky

a novel by Marie-Célie Agnant; translated by Katia Grubisic

A Diary in the Age of Water cover

A Diary in the Age of Water

a novel by Nina Munteanu

A Force Such as the World Has Never Known cover

A Force Such as the World Has Never Known

edited by Sharon G. Mijares, Aliaa Rafea and Nahid Angha

A Handbook for Beautiful People Cover

A Handbook for Beautiful People

a novel by Jennifer Spruit

All that is solid melts into air

All That Is Solid Melts Into Air

a novel by Carole Giangrande

Amah and the Silk Winged Pigeons cover

Amah and the Silk-Winged Pigeons

a novel by Jocelyn Cullity
Arresting Hope cover

Arresting Hope: Women Taking Action in Prison Inside Out

edited by Ruth Elwood Martin, Mo Korchinski, Lynn Fels, and Carl Leggo

Blue Bear Woman

Blue Bear Woman

a novel by Virginia Pesemapeo Bordeleau; translated by Susan Ouriou and Christelle Morelli

Carousel cover


a novel by April Ford
an illustration of a Black woman in a red blouse in the forefront

Cora's Kitchen

a novel by Kimberly Garrett Brown

Dawning of a New Garden cover

Dawning of a New Garden

a novel by Tara Nanayakkara

Days of Moonlight Cover

Days of Moonlight

a novel by Loren Edizel

illustration of twins facing each other, they look the same but with slight differences


a novel by Vivian Zenari
book cover: a large watercolour pink, yellow, and blue butterfly with spread wings is centred with splashes of pink and black and white paint droplets splattered around the image. With black typography: "Everything You Dream is Real" across the top and 'a novel by Lisa de Nikolits" across the bottom. At the very top of the cover there is an endorsement “Witty and elegant, dorky and weird: Everything You Dream Is Real is a fantastically riveting book, loaded with strange delights, scary caprices and an infinity of comic turns and twists. —Lynn Crosbie, author of Chicken and Where Did You Sleep Last Night?”

Everything You Dream is Real

a novel by Lisa de Nikolits

First Gear cover

First Gear: A Motorcycle Memoir

a memoir by Lorrie Jorgensen

First Voices cover

First Voices: An Aboriginal Women's Reader

edited by Patricia A. Monture and Patricia D. McGuire

Fishing for Birds Cover

Fishing for Birds

a novel by Linda Quennec

Hiraeth Cover


poems by Carol Rose GoldenEagle

Horses in the Sand cover

Horses in the Sand

a memoir by Lorrie Potvin

Black ink sketch of Hypatia of Alexandria in profile on top of a bluish green background with mathematical formulas appearing vaguely in the background. With typography "Hypatia's Wake" and "poems by Susan Andrews Grace"

Hypatia's Wake

poems by Susan Andrews Grace

La Brigantessa Cover

La Brigantessa

a novel by Rosanna Micelotta Battigelli

Black ink sketch of Hypatia of Alexandria in profile on top of a bluish green background with mathematical formulas appearing vaguely in the background. With typography "Hypatia's Wake" and "poems by Susan Andrews Grace"

Look After Her

a novel by Hannah Brown

Other Tongues cover

Other Tongues: Mixed-Race Women Speak Out

edited by Adebe DeRango Adem and Andrea Thompson

Outside People cover

Outside People and Other Stories

short fiction by Mariam Pirbhai

Book cover: blue background featuring the neck and black bloused arms of a woman. Arms are crossed. Also featured is a large house and birds flying in the sky. White typography at the top and bottom "Patterson House" "a novel" "Jane Cawthorne"

Patterson House

a novel by Jane Cawthorne

Priyas World cover

Priya's World

a novel by Tara Nanayakkara

Red with Living cover

Red With Living: Poems and Art

Poems and Art by Diane Driedger

Releasing Hope

Releasing Hope: Stories of Transition from Prison to Community

edited by Ruth Elwood Martin, Mo Korchinski, Lynn Fels, and Carl Leggo

blue galactic explosion with the title Sensorial and author name Carolyne Van Der Meer

Sensorial: A Poetry Collection

by Carolyne Van Der Meer

vibrant blue background with title Slow Reveal

Slow Reveal

a novel by Melanie Mitzner
book cover on a blue gradient background with the shadow of a large cross looming in the background and an abstract painting of the cast down face of a disgraced priest in dark, dripping watercolours (art by Carol Rose GoldenEagle). With white typography across the top "Stations of the Crossed" and "poems by Carol Rose GoldenEagle" across the bottom.

Stations of the Crossed

poems by Carol Rose GoldenEagle

Steel Animals Cover

Steel Animals

a novel by SK Dyment

book cover: brown-grey background. A woman sits on a bench facing water. She wears a white t-shirt and capris. Her hair is in a bun. She is shown in profile, shadowed against a sunny day. She leans on her arm and appears to be contemplating something. With black typography at the top of the cover “Such a Lovely Afternoon” “stories”, and white text along the bottom of the cover “Patti Flather”

Such a Lovely Afternoon

stories by Patti Flather

The Allspice Bath Cover

The Allspice Bath

a novel by Sonia Saikaley

The Becoming cover

The Becoming

a memoir by Nicole Luongo

The Discovery of Flight

The Discovery of Flight

a novel by Susan Glickman

The Envy of Paradise

The Envy of Paradise

a novel by Jocelyn Cullity

The Girl Who was Born That Way cover

The Girl Who Was Born that Way

a novella by Gail Benick

LAX airport image made to look like a spacecraft - blue and sepia mirror images

The Loneliness of the Time Traveller

a novel by Erika Rummel
The Maternal Roots of the Gift Economy Cover

The Maternal Roots of the Gift Economy

edited by Genevieve Vaughan

The Narrows of Fear (Wapawikoscikanik) cover

The Narrows of Fear (Wapawikoscikanik)

a novel by Carol Rose GoldenEagle

The Talking Drum cover

The Talking Drum

a novel by Lisa Braxton
book cover with a multi-colour labradorite background (green, yellow, orange). With white block typography against a black banner in the middle of the cover: "The Tempest" and "poems by Ilona Martonfi".

The Tempest

poems by Ilona Martonfi

The Tender Birds

The Tender Birds

a novel by Carole Giangrande