S. Noël McKay writes about the importance of independent bookstores.

I gladly announce that on May 2, 2015, the Authors for Indies event will take place here in Edmonton, Alberta.  Authors for Indies places writers in independent bookstores where they will meet readers, sign books, and discuss literature they enjoy, often only available at non-corporate booksellers.

I find the atmosphere in these shops more welcoming than that in a large chain.  The staff happily discusses their favourite books.  The stores make available books by local authors just starting out.  Independent bookstores always provide a wider selection of books.  In Audrey’s on Jasper, I’ve always appreciated the variety of history and political science books giving voice to every ideological stripe.  Like libraries, a non-chain bookstore airs every opinion.  In addition to friendly staff and support for local authors, non-corporate bookshops provide voices besides those of giant media behemoths, necessary in a truly free society.

I’m looking forward to meeting everyone on May 2.  Come out and support your neighbourhood bookstore.

S. Noël McKay, author of Stony Point