Blog post about the Birth into Being Method by Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova, contributing author to “A Force Such as The World Has Never Known: Women Creating Change”
Imagine that negative conditioning from your past has no power over you… What if you could live the life your true identity inspires you to experience?
Before we were born, halfway through gestation, we were already highly sensitive beings. In the womb, infants absorb and memorize all of the sensory experiences. Through countless hormonal, electro-magnetic, and neurobiological transmitters, information about the mother’s feelings, thoughts, diet, and daily activities is received by the baby’s body. All of this information, by default, is registered in a baby’s nervous system as ‘basic settings’, becoming a sensory map of coming into existence and will be remembered on a cellular level as subconscious ‘comfort zone’.
During birth, the range of experiences from gestation is reinforced, and the parenting style, which follows, shapes the sensory and emotional landscape for the rest of one’s life. This process of pre-cognitive ‘programming’ during formative period is called ‘Limbic Imprint’.
Historically, for various reasons, the great majority of people during their time of gestation were saturated with mother’s high stress levels. Thus, our collective ‘basic settings’ are to be highly stressed. In infancy, our Cortex (the ‘thinking brain’) is not developed yet, so adrenaline becomes our deeply unconscious ‘lens’ of perception. This is why we have a tendency to keep making the same mistakes and attracting the same situations (in different forms). It’s very difficult to talk ourselves out of addictions and behavioral patterns, as they’re established before our ability to talk is acquired. Negative imprint remains in a ‘blind spot’ as we navigate through life, building relationships, socio-economic structures, political systems, etc.
Why do we have a Limbic Imprint?
Limbic Imprint is nature’s intelligent mechanism of delivering all the necessary survival information to the young of the species. A kitten raised by an otter is able to swim, and an otter raised by a cat cannot. Just by being exposed to a specific environment, the young of the species mirror what they experience.
What can we do now?
Fortunately, there is a cure for those patterns that no longer serve us. No matter what we’ve learned early in life as our survival coping mechanism, it’s possible to consciously re-code it. The Birth Into Being Method offers a very effective approach to transforming a less than blissful Limbic Imprint to a highly functional and enjoyable one. I have been perfecting this Method for the last 32 years, carefully crafting 36 processes that work together utilizing the concepts of neuroplasticity and epigenetics.
The results are astonishing! Participants walk away with brand new reference points in their nervous systems allowing for a deep sense of well being and personal empowerment. Without indulging in what was, they simply create new memories, establishing an alternative route for the emotional body, a parallel reality, so to speak, for the nervous system to adhere to. Using a multi-sensory approach and clear, conscious intention, it is possible to revise the subconscious drive.
This method allows participants to focus energy on what they want to create, to recalibrate the nervous system, and claim their true identity, to build the next phase of life from a place of alignment and integrity.
I believe that we can heal our collective past, so that future generations will be able to thrive as a species in a society based on common sense and compassion.
– Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova, contributing author to “A Force Such as The World Has Never Known: Women Creating Change”